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Benefits of Home Health Care
Jordan Rocksmith
If you need to have medication administered to you through an infusion and would rather sit in the comfort of your own home than a doctor’s office,in-home health care can help you schedule an appointment and get started with the process.
Receiving a long dose of medication at a medical clinic can be uncomfortable and tiresome, especially if you must be there for many hours. There are other ways to get what you need in the comfort of your own home. Most in home health care agencies have experienced and trained nurses that will come into your home and set up the medication for you to receive. This is a wonderful way to rest in your home and not have to worry about driving to your appointment and back home once it is complete. Some medicines have harsh side effects and can affect your vision and perception. Getting behind the wheel without help may not be the smartest choice, so being able to lie on your couch or head off to bed is ideal.
Discuss this option with your doctor and explain why you would rather have your medication administered at home. Most doctors are okay with this and will allow you to be comfortable. Your medication can be delivered to a home health center and the nurse will tote it along to the appointment. You won’t have to worry about any bags, needles, fluids, or devices that are important in making the administration run smooth. The health care provider will be in charge of everything and will help to make you feel comfortable and relaxed during the process.
There are many benefits toin-home health careproviders when needing to receive medication at your home instead of a doctor’s office. Discuss the options to make your life simpler and easier.
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) is proud to have friendly, reliable and qualified staff and to provide ethical and value-driven care. We are well-connected in the greater Portland Metropolitan area and ensure that our
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receive a continuum of care options as their needs may change over time.
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