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The Beach: a Truly Affordable Vacation!
A beach trip is often meant to be inexpensive. Many people love heading to a nearby beach (or even trekking off onto a long drive to get to one) because there is so much to see and do in the area. Yet, if you want to keep costs down, how can you avoid all of those extra costs that often happen when you arrive? Things like expensive dinners, must-have souvenirs, and the pull to attend every show in the area can really add up the cost on some of these trips. There is help if you know a few tips and tricks to save money while enjoying beaches.
Activities on the Cheap
The first way to ensure your beach trip is affordable is simply to make it just that – a trip you spend on the sand and in the water. There is no cost to this type of activity and yet it is packed with fun things to do. Find seashells. Play in the water. Build sandcastles with the supplies you bring from home. Do some long reading and enjoy some quiet time doing nothing. This type of trip is going to make a big difference on your wallet.
Try to avoid doing all of the activities that are advertised. Instead, pick one and enjoy it. Rather than seeing every show that you find an ad for, get reviews of individual shows and determine which one is worth experiencing. Plan other activities; such as time at nature parks, visiting zoos, or finding local playgrounds to spend time at. You do not have to do everything in the area. If you cannot get to an activity during this vacation, that can be the reason to come back again!
Keeping Costs Lower
A big problem for some is spending too much on meals. There is no shortage of restaurants located along the roadsides lining the beaches. If you notice, most of the high-priced hotels and restaurants sit with views overlooking the water. That does not mean that the food is any better. However, it does mean your bill will be bigger. Instead, take a drive a few blocks into the city. Eat where the locals eat. Doing so will reduce your costs significantly.
For souvenirs, bring along those seashells. Spend some time in a discount thrift store but just make one trip. The clothing outlets may or may not really be a great price. Check out prices online to see if there is really a savings opportunity.
Being smart about your travel plans is a great way to save some money. You can enjoy the beach without having to spend a lot of money on the trip. In fact, it may become one of the best frugal experiences for you and the family to enjoy.
Navarre Beach
has the perfect mix of activities to please the whole family on your next vacation. Learn more here:
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The Beach: a Truly Affordable Vacation!